Patternmaking can be easy, really easy - all you need is a right technique! If you want to make classic shirt collar - I'll show you how to do it using just one pattern piece (yes, just ONE pattern piece!).
Using this method, you'll be able to create 2 types of shirt collars (the technique is the same, just with small adjustment) and add it to any blouse, shirt or dress pattern that you have. Knowing this technique will allow you to expand the your pattern possibilities and create more garments using same pattern, how great is that?!
I show the method in this video and scroll down for accurate drawings. Let's design our perfect shirt collar!
Now for pattern drawings, here are patterns for both styles:

For this style, start by drawing line of half back and front neckline. Meeting point of back and front neckline will be shoulder point. At the back neckline measurement, mark 7cm up at 90 degree angle. Create a rectangular from these two lines. At the front, mark 1cm up and connect with bottom of the neckline front. At the top, prolong the front part by 4cm and connect with raised front point. Draw puncture line, 3cm from back center line to the bottom of the front - this will be your collar fold line.
Cut 1 piece of the collar, fold lines going on center back and top.

Same as for style 1, start by drawing line of half back and front neckline. Meeting point of back and front neckline will be shoulder point. At the back neckline measurement, mark 7cm up at 90 degree angle. Create a rectangular from these two lines. At the front, mark 1cm up and connect with bottom of the neckline front. From raised front point, draw line at the angle - the longer the line, the longer your collar edge will be; the angle of the line will create a more narrow or more separate look between collar edges. Connect top of the line with top of the front collar with a slightly curved line. Draw puncture line, 3cm from back center line to the bottom of the front - this will be your collar fold line.
Cut 2 pieces of the collar, fold lines going on center back.
And that's it - can you believe how easy this is?! This is by far the easiest method I found on making shirt collar and I hope you enjoyed it!
Here are a few ideas where you can apply these collars:
Use style 1 collar on JULIE dress pattern to switch from bowtie neckline to shirt neckline:
Pair style 2 with LILY dress pattern and shorten it to create shirt blouse:

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Wishing you creative week ahead,