If you have ever searched for a gift for a toddler, you know what a headache it can be – trust me, I know the struggle: I am an aunt of the most adorable nephew and niece in the world, but boy oh boy is it difficult to find a gift for them! *sight*. So, on every occasion – may it be Christmas or Birthday or Christening – after hours and hours of thinking and searching for the perfect gift… I end up asking the mom of the baby what to give (I know I know, please don’t judge me!).
For last years Christmas I wanted to sew for my nephew and niece matching sweaters, and their mom advised to make it like Lion (I wanted to go for Bear, just for the record) – and here is the result, super cute matching Lion sweaters!
Hope this will inspire you for the next time you look for a gift – very original and sweet to make it yourself!